
We are able to provide a wide range of services thanks to the help of our partners

We rely on the support of a number of organisations, all of which share an interest in helping people in North Manchester to live their best lives, and in making North Manchester a really great place to live.

The companies and public sector bodies shown below provide funding or other resources, making it possible for us to work with our communities.

We would like to thank them all for their invaluable and continued support.

Can you help us?

The organisations shown above have supported Yes by providing us with resources, including:

  • Funding
  • Sponsorship (events and publications)
  • Time, expertise and skills

If your organisation would like to help us to continue to support people in North Manchester please contact us by emailing

Success Story

Kai’s kickstart blog

Trainee administrator Kai talks about his experiences, as the newest member of the Yes Team.

Success Story

Karen shines at Manchester Adult Education and Skills Awards!

Yes Volunteer Karen picked up a prestigious award at the first ever Manchester Adult Education and Skills Awards ceremony!


Working with us

As well as working with north Manchester residents, we also work alongside employers to help them recruit local people into a range of employment opportunities. We have a tailored approach to working with employers to suit their needs, adding value to any recruitment process at no cost. We have great candidates and in some circumstances can collate CVs and pre-interview applicants to produce short-lists.

Find out more
“We get great candidates from our friends at yes; they are flexible and professional with a good eye for the sort of people we are after.”
Dianne Neswell, Vestacare

Annual reports

Click the links to view our latest annual reports and accounts.

Catch up on the latest from Yes

Yes Updates
A word from our Clinton this International Youth Day

Yes Updates
Yes Manchester Awarded SILVER Employer Status by Manchester College!

Yes Updates
Men’s Health Week 2024

Yes Updates
Yes Manchester Closed on 4th July for Polling Station Use

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